
Xiaomi Redmi9T boot problem after restarting

Xiaomi Redmi9T boot problem after restarting

Itried to restart Redmi9T. Then it didn't start...

In previous article, I shared about Redmi 9T.

Now charged Redmi9T became silent.

Even pressed and held power button, it didn't boot.

It kept its screen black.

How can we do for this issue.

So today I will introduce about "Xiaomi Redmi9T boot problem after restarting".


Mid-carieer engineer (AI, system). Good at Python and SQL.

Advantage to read

You can understand "Xiaomi Redmi9T boot problem after restarting". Then you don't have to concern about Redmi9T issue.

Xiaomi Redmi9T boot problem after restarting

The issue happened according to following steps.

issue step

  1. Before I went to bed, I played "DQ Walk".
  2. The screen was stiff.
  3. I tried to restart Redmi9T.
  4. I tried to restart Redmi9T.
  5. It finished shutdown. But it didn't start.
  6. Even I pressed and held the power button, Android didn't start.

Last time you also played "DQ Walk" …
Yes, I did. But it is not a key point.

Anyway, in short,

When I tried to restart Redmi9T, it didn't start. It kept black screen.

There is a difference from previous article.

In this case, battery was alive.

I tried some solution to solve this boot issue.

Ttial and error for boot

Redmi9T became silent.

I wanted to start it. So I tried different solutions.

Press and hold the power button

First, I tried to press and hold the power button.

Usually it forces to boot and shut down.

But my Redmi9T didn't respond.

It kept black screen.

Press and hold the power button and volume(+)

When I looked for solution, I found the comment below.

R3/10/27 after reboot, it didn't start.
Even holding the power button, it didn't boot.
Even holding the power button and volume up button, it didn't boot.

Reference:価格.com - 『起動しなくなった』 Xiaomi Redmi 9T 64GB SIMフリー のクチコミ掲示板

Writer failed to boot after holding the power button and volume up button.

I tried it too.

It didn't boot.

Even holding the power button and volume down button(-), it didn't respond at all.

Connect to PC

According to previous article, I connected my Redmi9T to my Windows PC.

Then I pressed and held the power button.

Click! (Sound that PC recognized smart phone as USB device)

So it meant that electricity came from my PC to my smart phone.

But its screen was still black.

I pressed and held the power button again. Then...

Click! (Sound that PC disconnected USB device)

There was a sound that USB device was disconnected.

But its screen still kept black.

It didn't boot.

Next morning

Next morning, I tried holding the power button and volume down button(-) again.


Fast Boot

Screen showed this text !

But nothing progressed.

I waited 5 minutes. Then I held the power button to force shutdown.

Boot menu

Again I tried holding the power button and volume up button.

Then menu screen came.


  • Reboot
  • Wipe Data
  • Connect with MIAssistant

I didn't know about the menu.

So I shose Reboot.

But it kept black.

Next I selected Connect with MIAssistant.

Then it recommended to visit pcsuite.mi.com.

There I downloaded Mi PC Suite and ran it.

Mi PC Suite
Mi PC Suite

It seemed like device management software.

So I clicked "Connect to device".


It asked to connect USB device.

But at that time, smart phone was already connected.

It didn't recognized my Redmi9T.

Reboot again

Mi PC Suite didn't recognize power-off-Redmi9T.

Then I held the power button and volume up button, and selected "Reboot" again.

I didn't know why but it started...

I didn't know why it started.

But it started.


I could start Android.

But why did it react at all ?

I looked for its reason.

Then I found many people were suffered from same issue.

And there was an article for repairment.

According to this article, it was caused by board problem.

If it was hardware issue, it would not be repaired.

All customers of Redmi9T will have this issue.

Exchange defective to a new one

If it is defective, we can ask support desk to exchange.

In the article below, auther sent defective Redmi9T to support desk.

Then they exchanged it to "Redmi Note 9S".


Today I will explained about "Xiaomi Redmi9T boot problem after restarting".

The issue happened according to following steps.

issue step

  1. Before I went to bed, I played "DQ Walk".
  2. The screen was stiff.
  3. I tried to restart Redmi9T.
  4. I tried to restart Redmi9T.
  5. It finished shutdown. But it didn't start.
  6. Even I pressed and held the power button, Android didn't start.

It didn't boot even I pressed and held the power button and volume button.

But next morning, when I pressed and held the power button and volume up button, it showed menu.

Then I selected "Reboot" and it started.


  • Leave it one night. Then press and hold the power button and volume up button.

The cause of issue may be in electronic board of Redmi 9T.

So it will happen again in near future.

If there is nothing to do to fix it, cantact support desk.

There are some other articles about hardware.

If you interested in them, please read them.

If you felt this article is useful, please share.

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