Sites to check when you suspect a issue on Twitter

We can't access Twitter, can't we?

"Twitter" is a popular SNS for simple tweets.

It is used all over the world and has a great influence in the SNS community.

But sometimes we can't access Twitter.

However, even if you can't connect it doesn't mean problem.

  • Is it server side issue ?
  • Otherwise my local network or app doesn't work properly.

How can I check if there is a problem or not ?

So today, I will introduce about "Sites to check when you suspect a issue on Twitter".


Sites to check when you suspect a failure on Twitter

Where should I check when I suspect a failure on Twitter?

You may want to check the following sites.

  • Downdetector
  • Yahoo! real-time search


A site to check when there is a suspicion of a failure on Twitter.

One is Downdetector.

It collects problems reported against the service and reports incidents when it exceeds the typical number.

If the number of reports has increased sharply in the last 24 hours, you can assume that a problem has occurred.

This chart shows the number of issues reported in the last 24 hours compared to the number of issues reported during the same time period on a regular day. It is normal to have some problems reported throughout the day. Downdetector will only report an incident if a significantly higher number of reported problems is reported compared to typical reports during the same time period.


There is also a comment section on the site itself.
So people post bug reports there.

Yahoo! Real-Time Search

A site to check when there is a suspicion of a failure on Twitter.

The other is Yahoo! Realtime Search.

Here you can see Twitter tweets searched for a specific keyword.

If Twitter is completely down, you can't tweet.
But if it is just "hard to connect" situation, some people may tweet about the issue.
So you can confirm that "it's not just your own problem".

If it is not my own problem, I don't have to worry about it.
I just wait system recovery.


Today I introduced about "Sites to check when you suspect a issue on Twitter".

The sites to check when there is a suspicion of system failure on Twitter are as follows.

They are not an official site, but they are useful because you can know whether it's happening to others by checking the time and number of failure reports.

If I can't access Twitter, I would be worried about it.
These websites help me to estimate cause of the issue..

いいね または フォローしてね!

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karasanのアバター karasan System engineer

Mid-career engineer (AI, Data science, Salesforce, etc.).
Good at Python and SQL.
